Staff and Board
Gift Shop
Catherine Tyink
Kate Baumann
Catherine Tyink
Kate Baumann
Board Chair – Marilyn Frauenkron Bayer, retired Community Education Director, Houston, MN
Vice Chair – Rob Wittner, software engineer, Advance, NC/Houston, MN
Treasurer – Kathy Solum, retired bank Vice President and Trust Officer, Houston, MN
Secretary – Melissa Wittner, ERP software consultant, Advance, NC/Houston, MN
Director - Jim Nissen, retired U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service refuge manager, La Crescent, MN
Director - Colleen Tracy, Grants Manager, local township clerk, rural Houston, MN
Advisor – Dr. Wolfgang Scherzinger, Retired Bavarian National Forest Zoologist, Germany
Advisor - Patrick Forsyth, Certified Financial Planner, Houston, MN
Advisor – Russell Smith, Emeritus Professor of Marketing, Winona State University, Houston, MN
Advisor - Bob Carlson, Real Estate Agent, Houston, MN
Vice Chair – Rob Wittner, software engineer, Advance, NC/Houston, MN
Treasurer – Kathy Solum, retired bank Vice President and Trust Officer, Houston, MN
Secretary – Melissa Wittner, ERP software consultant, Advance, NC/Houston, MN
Director - Jim Nissen, retired U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service refuge manager, La Crescent, MN
Director - Colleen Tracy, Grants Manager, local township clerk, rural Houston, MN
Advisor – Dr. Wolfgang Scherzinger, Retired Bavarian National Forest Zoologist, Germany
Advisor - Patrick Forsyth, Certified Financial Planner, Houston, MN
Advisor – Russell Smith, Emeritus Professor of Marketing, Winona State University, Houston, MN
Advisor - Bob Carlson, Real Estate Agent, Houston, MN